Construction Books
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site
By: Sherri Rinker
ISBN: 9780811877824
At sunset, when their work is done for the day, a crane truck, a cement mixer, and other pieces of construction equipment make their way to their resting places and go to sleep.

By: Sally Sutton
ISBN: 9780763679767
Una vez más el equipo de construcción regresa con sus grandes máquinas. ¡Listos a excavar, martillar y construir!
Dreaming Up: A Celebration of Building
By: Christy Hale
ISBN: 9781600606519
A collection of concrete poetry, illustrations, and photographs that shows how young children's constructions, created as they play, are reflected in notable works of architecture from around the world.

I Am a Backhoe
By: Anna Hines
ISBN: 9781582463063
A little boy pretends to be a bulldozer, a crane, a dump truck, and a roller. And finally, he parks on the couch with his father for a quiet moment.
By: Sally Sutton
ISBN: 9780763646530
Big machines and their drivers work together to build a road. On board pages.
Tip Tip Dig Dig
By: Emma Garcia
ISBN: 9781906250829
Describes how various earthmoving trucks clean up a dump and make a playground, discussing what such machines as diggers, mixers, bulldozers, and cranes can do.
What Can a Crane Pick Up?
By: Rebecca Kai Dotlich
ISBN: 9780375867262
Illustrations and rhyming text show that a crane can lift anything from a load of steel to a cow.

B is for Bulldozer
By: June Sobel
ISBN: 9780544108080
Get ready for a ride through the alphabet at a busy construction site. There's a big yellow Bulldozer, a tall shiny Crane, and a rusty red Dump truck—and the construction crew is hard at work. But what are they building?

Digger, Dozer, Dumper
By: Hope Vestergaard
ISBN: 9780763688936
Sixteen boisterous, rhyming poems—each one highlighting the job and personality of a different vehicle, from a backhoe to an ambulance to a snowplow—introduce young children to their favorite trucks face-to-face.

By: Sally Sutton
ISBN: 9780763646530
There are many big machines and busy people involved in building a road, and this riveting board book follows them every step of the way.

Hello World! Construction Site
By: Jill McDonald
ISBN: 9781984896704
Toddlers can learn all about the busy world of a construction site, with easy-to-understand facts about all the huge, noisy machines that captivate little ones' imaginations.

Machines at Work
By: Byron Barton
ISBN: 9780694011070
Rhythmic text and bold, graphic illustrations convey all the energy and excitement of the day.