High Contrast Books for Babies

Hello, Baby Animals
By: Julissa Mora
ISBN: 9781938093685
Hello, Baby Animals is the perfect board book for babies just beginning to look around and learn about the world.

Baby Food / Comiendo con Bebé
By: Stefanie Wieder
ISBN: 9781782857389
High-contrast photographs of faces and chic, contemporary graphic design make this bilingual Spanish / English board book an eye-catching read for mealtime or any time.

Black & White
By: Tana Hoban
ISBN: 9780062656902
Black illustrations against a white background.
Hello, Bugs!
By: Smriti Prasadam
ISBN: 9781589258624
Introduces young readers to ten little bugs, including a ladybug, grasshopper, and butterfly.
Baby Talk
By: Stella Blackstone
ISBN: 9781782852223
Babies and their loved ones talk to each other in all kinds of ways, including using their voices and using touch.
Look Look Outside
By: Peter Linenthal
ISBN: 9780803737297
A baby looks outside the window and sees all sorts of interesting things, in a book with high-contrast black-and-white illustrations.

Mommies and Their Babies
By: Guido van Genechten
ISBN: 9781605371092
Animal babies have a mommy, just like you.
Red, Blue, Yellow Shoe
By: Tana Hoban
ISBN: 9780688065638
Photographs of common objects with the color of each object printed below introduce the reader to colors.