Joke Books

1000 Super Chistes para Niños: Chistes Infantiles Cortos y muy Graciosos para la Cuarentena
By: Ana Ramos
ISBN: 9798665622910

Joking Around With Chirp
By: Bob Kain
ISBN: 9781926973647
Join Chirp and friends Sparky, Tweet, and Squawk as they giggle and guffaw their way through 130 feather-ruffling riddles, jokes, and tongue twisters.
Knock, Knock Who’s There?
By: Tad Hills
ISBN: 9780689834134
Pull back the flaps and find out each hilarious punch line in this classic collection of knock-knock jokes!

Little Critter’s Joke Book
By: Mercer Mayer
ISBN: 9780307127907
Gathers riddles and jokes about school, animals, weather, play, and parents.

Lots of Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids
By: Whee Winn
ISBN: 9780310750628
Here's a collection of knock-knock jokes that is both hilarious and wholesome. This collection provides fun for the whole family and includes bonus Q& A jokes and riddles too.
Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?
By: Marla Frazee
ISBN: 9780803730946
Various award-winning artists present their own version of the classic joke, from Marle Frazee's chicken who is searching for a luxury "coop," to Mo Willems's chicken who confesses his motives to a police officer.